I'll Be Honest - Christian Sermons

What Is Demonic Oppression?



This sermon delves into what the Bible teaches about demonic oppression and possession, providing scriptural insights and practical observations to help understand this matter. 0:00 Sermon Opening 5:22 Is It Demonic Oppression or Possession? 11:30 Demonic Possession Is Obviously Dark, It Is Not Subtle 13:15 Demonic Oppression Is Rare 14:04 Jesus’ Compassion and Power Are Drawn to Help These People 15:54 How Can You Tell That Someone Is Demonically Oppressed? 18:51 Sign of Demonic Oppression: Self-Destructive Behavior 20:37 The Devil “Made Me Do It”? 21:40 Mark 5: They Can Possess Supernatural Powers 24:05 Prayer for Help in the Sermon 24:37 Mark 6: They Respond Strongly to the Presence of Christ 29:00 How Should We Apply This Teaching? 29:17 Keep a Broad View of Spiritual Warfare in Your Mind 35:47 How Do We Get Ready to Help the Demonically Oppressed? 36:51 Be Full of Faith! 39:15 Be a People of Prayer and Fasting 41:01 Have an Appreciation for Specific Spiritual Gifts 47:21 Closing Prayer » View: What Is De