Nourishing The Mother

NTM 469: Grounded parenting: Your anchor in a sea of advice



How do you lean into trusting your child and trusting yourself when the weight of advice, information, research and authorities are bearing down on you? What if you could create a lean-back effect that makes parenting and holding yourself easier, by overlaying a really beautiful and basic blueprint of what your children are trying to work out, integrate and establish? This is what we offer you in this week’s podcast. In this episode we discuss:- Leaning into trusting your child rather than the intellectual- Affirming safety for healthy development - Parenting the fears of ourselves - Creating physical safety vs nervous system safety - Our children borrow a sense of safety from our own narratives- Am I okay? Is the world okay? Am I lovable?- When children test the limits of behaviour and safety in a relationship - What each stage of parenting requires of you as a mother - The developmental overlay framework by Duey FreemanTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit