Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

What's REALLY Inside Lucy Gum and Feel Free Energy Drink, "Hidden" Ingredients in Nicotine Vapes And Candy, & More With Mass Spec Expert Ben Katz



Caffeine in your chocolate... synthetic cooling agents masking burning sensations in your gum, mints, and vapes... bioactive compounds you never expected in your cosmetics and beyond. What if the ingredients on the label don't tell the full story? In today's show, you'll meet Ben Katz, a scientist who exposes what's really in your popular supplements, foods, drinks, and other products using advanced analytical techniques on his popular MassSpecEverything social media channels. Throughout this fascinating discussion, you'll discover how Ben pulls back the curtain on consumer products using mass spectrometry and chromatography to identify and quantify chemical compounds. Additionally, you'll uncover the surprising truth about the levels of caffeine in chocolate and other candies marketed toward kids. Ben also reveals what he found after analyzing samples of two products that I frequently get asked about: “Feel Free," a bottled blend of kratom and kava (video here) and Lucy nicotine gum (video here). Ben special