C View Quantum Network

6/14 ~ C View 2024 Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment



Embark on a transformative journey with "Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment," featuring guest hosts Gregory and Gail Hoag. Delve into the profound realm of Sacred Geometry and unlock its secrets to unveil a world of wonder and alignment. call (805) 830-8344Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12326333 Discover the profound impact of remarkable shapes encoded with divine significance, capable of reshaping lives. Unveil the astonishing order of the universe, where numbers, angles, and patterns reverberate endlessly. But what renders Sacred Geometry truly sacred? How does it intricately weave into human existence? Explore these questions and more as the Hoags unravel the wisdom preserved by ancient civilizations like the Druids, Mayans, and Ancient Egyptians, offering insights that could revolutionize personal and collective destinies. Sacred Geometry is an enlightening masterpiece by Gregory and Gail Hoag, luminaries in the field for over four decades. Delving into the depths of consciousness,