Sunny Side Up

Ep. 484 | ABM Power Moves: Aligning Teams for Max Impact



Episode Summary This episode discusses account-based marketing strategies with guest Amanda Dyson. She shares insights on personalizing ABM approaches based on customer understanding rather than focusing on features. Amanda emphasizes the importance of collaboration between sales and marketing in areas like account nomination and campaign planning. She also outlines how ABM can support customer retention, upsell, and cross-sell efforts by building long-term relationships. About the guest Amanda is a 20-year B2B SaaS marketing veteran. She has run regional and global teams. She has a passion for people and results and a proven track record of success. She has held leadership positions in sales and marketing, including ABM, partnerships, demand gen, field and corporate marketing for global Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) companies. When she’s not growing people or pipeline at leading tech companies, she enjoys spending time with her family in the mountains or at the beach, r