Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Ancient Spartan Training Secrets, The Most Biologically Badass US Presidents, Who Was *Really* The Greatest Athlete Of All Time & More, With James Pieratt



Imagine having the ability to explore the secret training halls of ancient Sparta, the Arctic strength-building methods of the Inuit, and the magical underwater world of a tribe of aquatic superhumans in the South Pacific... Today's guest, James Pieratt, one of the longest-ranged runners on the planet, has made it his mission to take you on a journey through history that provides valuable insights into how you can improve your own life through physical fitness and mental fortitude. In this episode, you'll gain insights from James, a record-breaking wilderness ultramarathon runner, into the training tactics of ancient warriors (which he teaches at Wild Hunt Conditioning), receive an in-depth look at the Spartan warrior diet, uncover the incomparable strength and wrestling abilities of historical U.S. presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and get a sneak peek at his new book, A History of Physical Fitness, which analyzes the evolution of physical fitness trends, training techniques, diets, and