Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

The issues with consuming vegetable and seed oils with Dr. Catherine Shanahan.



Dr. Catherine Shanahan (Author of Dark Calories) discusses the harmful effects of vegetable oils and the need to avoid them. She explains that the term 'vegetable oils' is misleading and includes both healthy and unhealthy oils. The unhealthy oils, known as the 'hateful eight,' include corn, canola, cottonseed, soy, sunflower, safflower, rice bran, and grapeseed oils. These oils are highly processed and contain toxins that can damage cells and mutate DNA. Dr. Shanahan emphasizes the pervasiveness of these oils in the food supply, including processed foods, restaurant meals, and even seemingly healthy products like protein bars. She recommends avoiding these oils as much as possible and provides guidance on how to identify them on ingredient labels. In this conversation, Dr. Cate Shanahan and Kimberly Snyder discuss the dangers of vegetable oils and the importance of understanding the role of fats in our diet. Dr. Cate emphasizes the need to avoid refined vegetable oils and opt for unrefined, traditional fats