Carolina Weather Group

New GOES-U weather satellite readies for launch [Ep. 498]



A special edition of the Carolina Weather Group: Countdown to launch! The GOES-U satellite, the final addition to GOES-R series, will help to prepare for two kinds of weather — Earth and space weather. Once operational, this new satellite will be renamed GOES-19 and take on the role of GOES East. As GOES East, the satellite will serve a critical role in providing continuous weather coverage over the Carolinas, the United States East Coast and monitoring tropical systems in the Atlantic oceans. This continuous monitoring aids scientists and forecasters in issuing timely warnings and forecasts to help protect the one billion people who live and work in the Americas. Additionally, GOES-U carries a new compact coronagraph that will image the outer layer of the Sun’s atmosphere to detect and characterize coronal mass ejections. This week, we talked with Dr. Dan Lindsey, GOES-R Program Scientist, and Dr. Jim Spann, Senior Scientist for Space Weather for NOAA’s NESDIS Office of Space Weather Observations. Th