Guy Benson Show

Heroes: US Special Operations Vets Carry Out Daring Mission To Save Afghan Allies



Guy Benson Show - 8-27-2021 [00:00:00] 3:06 pm - Afghan Evacuation Update [00:16:09] 3:27 pm - Afghan Evacuation Update [00:18:23] 3:35 pm - Chris Wallace- Anchor of Fox News Sunday [00:35:35] 3:56 pm - Texas House advances GOP-backed election bill [00:36:48] 4:06 pm - Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) [00:53:05] 4:27 pm - White House more than dou­bles its fore­cast for an­nual in­fla­tion [00:55:13] 4:35 pm - Andrew McCarthy, Fox News Contributor [01:06:18] 4:50 pm -US special operations vets carry out daring mission to save Afghan allies [01:13:39] 5:06 pm - Dr. Nicole Saphier, Board Certified Medical Doctor, Senior Fox News Medical Contributor [01:23:40] 5:21 pm - Don Lemon Reacts to Parents Ranting Against School Mask Mandates: ‘Just Because You Can Have Kids, Does Not Mean You Should [01:32:02] 5:35 pm - REPLAY: Chris Wallace [01:45:19] 5:52 pm - Homestretch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit