Guy Benson Show

Planes & Trains: Biden Picks Pete Buttigieg For Transportation Secretary, Despite Zero Experience



Guy Benson Show - 12-17-2020 [00:00:00] 3:06 pm - Guy's Monologue On Bob Iger [00:14:32] 3:25 pm - Chad Pergram, Fox News Channel Congressional correspondent [00:18:19] 3:35 pm - Mo Elleithee, Fox News Contributor [00:32:33] 3:53 pm - COVID Update - Pence To Get Vaccine [00:36:43] 4:06 pm - Steve Hayes – Fox News Contributor--- Editor and CEO of The Dispatch [00:53:04] 4:27 pm - Guy Benson Show. [00:55:01] 4:35 pm - Pete Buttigieg As Transportation Sec [01:07:56] 4:52 pm - Dr. Jill Biden [01:13:11] 5:06 pm - Brian Kemp, Georgia's 83rd Governor [01:30:04] 5:28 pm - GA Polls [01:31:29] 5:35 pm - REPLAY: Steve Hayes [01:40:22] 5:48 pm - Homestretch: Snow Day Update Learn more about your ad choices. Visit