Guy Benson Show

Confirmation Countdown: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Set To Be Confirmed To The Supreme Court



Guy Benson Show - 10-26-2020 [00:00:00] 3:06 pm - Confirmation Countdown: Senate To Vote On Confirmation Of Amy Coney Barrett [00:15:53] 3:27 pm - Confirmation Countdown: Senate To Vote On Confirmation Of Amy Coney Barrett [00:18:20] 3:35 pm - Kim Strassel, Potomac Watch columnist for Wall Street Journal [00:35:02] 3:56 pm - Election 2020: 8 Days [00:36:34] 4:06 pm - Kristen Soltis Anderson, Fox News Contributor, pollster, speaker, commentator [00:46:23] 4:21 pm - A Boss's Memo To Employees [00:54:57] 4:35 pm - Dr. Nicole Saphier, Board Certified Medical Doctor, Senior Fox News Medical Contributor [01:09:02] 4:53 pm - Kamala On 60 Minutes [01:13:06] 5:06 pm - Senator Mike Lee, United States Senator From Utah [01:29:47] 5:28 pm - Vote Shamming [01:31:26] 5:35 pm - REPLAY: Kim Strassel [01:39:30] 5:47 pm - Homestretch: Weird Foods Learn more about your ad choices. Visit