Guy Benson Show

Debate Night Preview: Trump & Biden Set To Debate In Highly Anticipated Showdown



Guy Benson Show - 9-29-2020 [00:00:00] 3:06 pm - Guy's Opening Monologue [00:11:39] 3:23 pm - Peter Doocy, Fox News Channel Correspondent [00:18:17] 3:35 pm - Mo Elleithee, Fox News Contributor [00:33:45] 3:54 pm - Kamala Harris Said What? [00:36:32] 4:06 pm - Marc Lotter, Director of Strategic Communications for the Trump 2020 Campaign [00:50:07] 4:24 pm - Stanley Cup [00:54:51] 4:35 pm - Bill Hemmer, host of Bill Hemmer Reports on FNC [01:04:33] 4:49 pm - Amy Coney Barrett began meeting with senators [01:13:09] 5:06 pm - Kim Strassel, Potomac Watch columnist for Wall Street Journal edit page [01:29:41] 5:27 pm - Congrats Meghan McCain [01:31:26] 5:35 pm - REPLAY: Marc Lotter [01:38:55] 5:46 pm - Homestretch: Cobra Cai Learn more about your ad choices. Visit