Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

A Chemical-Free Way To Tweak Your Physiology, Find Focus, Sleep Better, Enhance Creativity & Much More With Apollo Neuroscience's Dave Rabin.



What if I told you you could put on this little vibrating thing, and it could shift your focus, your mood, your sleep, and your recovery near instantaneously, without taking any drugs or supplements? It exists, and I've been strapping it on for years. Apollo Neuro, an ingenious wearable device that comfortably fits onto your wrist or ankle or clips to your clothing, is the result of an innovative blend of ancient haptic, vibration, and touch therapy techniques with the advancements of 21st-century science. The brainchild of a team of leading neuroscientists and physicians, including co-founder Dr. Dave Rabin, MD, Ph.D., Apollo is much more than just another piece of wearable tech. Dave's dedication to pushing the boundaries of neuroscience and his commitment to developing effective alternative therapies make him a particularly fascinating guest to host. In this conversation, Dave and I delve into how Apollo Neuro works and the science that underpins it, explore his research on neurotransmitters, and discuss t