Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Why The Future Of Health Is Better Than You Think.



A few months ago, we had an amazingly popular podcast episode with Steven Kotler, author of "Decoding The Science of Ultimate Human Performance". During that podcast, Steven mentioned another book he co-wrote with Peter Diamandis (famous founder of the X-Prize Foundation) called "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think". Frankly, I thought this other book sounded like a bit of an airy-fairy, positive thinking, Everything Is Awesome (cue Lego movie soundtrack here) type of a book. But then, over the course of just one week, three more people recommended this book to me, including SEALFit commander Mark Divine. So I figured I should probably read it. And I did. Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think is based on a contrarian view that exponentially growing technologies and other powerful forces are conspiring to better the lives of billions on our planet, that the gap between the privileged few and hardscrabble majority is closing fast, and that this is drastically affecting human access to everyt