Sunny Side Up

Ep. 491 | Balancing AI and Human Judgement in Decision Making



Episode SummaryIn this episode, Mana guides on implementing ethical and unbiased practices when using AI in marketing. She emphasizes the importance of ensuring data diversity, regular model audits, and transparency around how AI makes decisions to avoid bias. Mana suggests marketers ask fundamental questions about AI models, such as how they avoid overfitting, to validate outputs and understand the reasoning behind recommendations, especially for high-stakes decisions. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential for AI to create new opportunities in marketing by enabling more data-driven, scientific practices, and recommends that marketers learn about machine learning concepts to become more proficient in this area. About the guest Mana Ionescu is a digital marketing leader and Head of Digital Marketing at Axos Bank in San Diego. A former agency founder, Mana loves to demystify complex marketing concepts and debunk digital marketing myths. She teaches at the Kellogg Professional Certificate in Digital M