Father Simon Says

The Bible is Historical



 Bible Study:(3:00)  Is 7:1-9 Multiple kingdoms wanted to overthrow Judah and end the house of David. Mt 11:20-24 Miracles are important and they gain our attention.   Letters (21:47): Fr. Simon answers questions about the elevator music on the show, about John 6:66 and how many of Jesus’ disciples continued t follow him, why does the King James version at Mark 2:17 talks about repentance,   Word of the Day (33:30): Shear-jashub Phones (42:35): Rose- I feel like my faith is being shredded. How do I forgive when there is so much to forgive? Rose- When I receive Holy Communion, there is a priest and extraordinary minister. I like to receive from the priest. Is this ok or a sin of pride?