Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - July 23, 2024 - Eucharist



(1:54) Bible Study: MI 7:14-15, 18-20 God delights in forgiveness MT 12:46-50 Did Jesus have actual brothers and sisters? Gal 2:19-20 Father explains the meaning of being cursed. (23:18) Break 1 (23:59) Letters: Father answers questions about tattoos, what superstition is, what are curses, what it means that the gates of hell will not prevail against us, what to do if you feel the presence of spirits and is it okay to pray the angelus at 6am? (37:12) Break 2 (38:32) Word of the Day Eucharist (44:51) Phones: Frank - The story in the book of Daniel, about Susana and the elders. They claimed that Susana had relations with the men... there was an inconsistency about the trees.... Was it enough to blame Susana? Susan - In the book of Chronicles, it is so violent, I am having a hard time reading it. how can a loving God do that?