Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

565: 5 Ways to Minimize Blogging Anxiety (Mindset & Self-Care)



In this episode, we're going to talk about five ways to reduce blogging anxiety by setting boundaries online and finding a supportive blogging peer group. Even after 14 years of blogging, I still experience blogging anxiety. It's part of the job, isn't it? There's so much pressure inside and outside of the blogging industry. Every year there are new strategies to increase our traffic and grow our audience. Every year, we scramble to keep up with changes in our industry. While outside of the industry there's pressure to make our businesses successful, and sometimes loved ones with the best of intentions add the pressure of doing so. Above all, we probably want to prove to ourselves and others that we’ve got this. We can be successful entrepreneurs. And so the anxiety sets in... But there are ways in which we can minimize blogging anxiety! Action Plan: 1 - Hire someone to respond to your comments to shield you from negative feedback and criticism. 2 - Join a quality mastermind group to surround yourself with a