Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S06 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - The snakes will be let loose on the unbeliever



The snakes will be let loose on the unbeliever, one near the head the other near the legs (Ahmad). I am the abode of isolation. I am the abode of loneliness. I am the abode of dust. I am the abode of worms & vermin (Tirmidhi). The grave says, O Man! Have you forgotten me ? (Tabarani). Umar ibn Abdul Azeez (rah) and the inspired grave.. The shrouds of the dwellers of the grave do not decay for those who fear Allah SWT whilst performing good deeds (Ibn Abee Dunya). The belver in the grave is approached by a devil, at the hands charity comes as a defence, stomach and the fasting defends, legs the standing in salah defends.... (Ibn Mandah).