Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - August 14, 2024 - What is a "Thau"



(1:08) Bible Study: EZ 9:1-7; 10:18-22 Father explains the time lineup to Jesus birth to give context to this passage Mt 18:15-20 Order of operations is really important (27:00) Break 1 (27:47) Word of the Day: Thau (30:55) Letters: Father answers questions about translations, which is his specialty. (39:48) Phones: Aaron - If somebody is in schism and working on trying to get out of this confusion, what would he suggest? Fr. Dan - Becoming one in marriage, he said a couple becomes one through their children, what if a couple doesn't have children John - About prayer and praying for people.  So many people and causes, it takes so long.  Is it okay to write it down on paper, and just say, 'I'm praying for all these people'