By Faith With Christine Hoover

Revitalization and Burnout (an interview with Andrea Valenti)



Churches all over the world are dying and God longs to see His churches revitalized, brought back to life, thriving as lights for the Kingdom. But along with the excitement of revitalization can come burnout from the intense emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental work of revitalization. Today, Andrea Valenti shares how she has walked through the highs of revitalization and the lows of burnout, learning to ask others for help and asking Jesus to revitalize her heart.    SHOW NOTES Revitalization requires patience, active listening, and meeting people where they are. Burnout can look like numbness, mental and physical fatigue, irritated responses, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Try to prevent burnout through healthy boundaries and habits, but if it hits, seek counsel from other ministry wives and resources like the SEND Network. QUOTES “Part of the issue is that sometimes there’s so much stigma in discussing the reality of burnout and other mental health concerns. There’s almost