By Faith With Christine Hoover

Friendship in Ministry (an interview with Clancey Garcia)



The challenges of navigating friendship as a ministry wife can make us want to shrink back from forming these life-giving relationships. Clancey Garcia joins me today to talk about how we can identify and develop friendships with other women in the church, intentionally grow them, and manage the hurts that can arise from friendship in a broken world. EPISODE GUIDE When seeking to make friends in the church, listen to the Holy Spirit and watch for good character and good conversation. Pursuing friendship requires intentionality and vulnerability. Friendship can come with hurt, but instead of closing yourself off, look for what God is trying to teach you. BEST QUOTES “When trying to make new friends, I look for consistency of character and good conversation. What were we talking about when we were together? Was it glorifying God? If I continue to see good character and good conversation, I push for more time with that person.” -Clancey Garcia “It sounds a little impersonal, but honestly