By Faith With Christine Hoover

Navigating Criticism in Ministry (an interview with Ann Swindell)



Criticism is inevitable in the life of a ministry wife, but learning to respond to it well takes patience, practice, and peace from the Lord. Author and teacher Ann Swindell joins me today to share how reframing her views of criticism and immersing herself in God’s Word allows her to navigate criticism with grace and love.  SHOW NOTES Your job is not to fulfill what other people want. Your job is to fulfill what God wants. Criticism always offers us an opportunity to grow, whether the remarks are valid or not. The Word provides peace to carry us through the emotions that arise with criticism and righteous conviction. QUOTES “It’s hard to let people down. Behind my back, people could be saying, ‘Ann seems inaccessible or isn’t doing what I think a pastor’s wife should do.’ But my job isn’t to fulfill other people’s aims for my life. My job is to follow and walk with Christ in the season I’m in, trusting He will give me grace to do what I’m called to do.”  -Ann Sw