By Faith With Christine Hoover

Traps the Ministry Wife Must Avoid (an interview with Paige Wieser)



The demands of life as a ministry wife can leave our hearts open to dangerous traps that bruise our spirits and discourage us in ministry. Today, Paige Wieser shares her experiences as a church planting wife and offers ways she’s learned to avoid these traps. EPISODE GUIDE Trap #1: Ministry is a taking endeavor; it’s taking everything from me. Trap #2: This is my husband’s “thing.” Trap #3: Hard seasons never end. This painful time will always be this way. BEST QUOTES “Satan wants to plant a root of bitterness that says, ‘Oh this is taking so much from me emotionally, timewise, and spiritually.’ But we should not be surprised or caught off guard, because church planting is actually a giving endeavor. When you start seeing it as a taking endeavor, there’s a lot of pitfalls and traps that come from that.” — Paige Wieser “Can’t we sometimes be dramatic, us girls? ‘This will always be like this, I’m never going to see the end of it.’ There will be hard.