By Faith With Christine Hoover

How to Practice Hospitality (an interview with Amber Williams)



Practicing biblical hospitality is a vital skill for ministry wives and all Christians to cultivate but can sometimes seem daunting. Amber Williams has a heart for hospitality and shares with me how she and her family live a life of welcome. She offers us practical (and simple) ways we, too, can honor others with our presence. Amber has been a pastor’s wife for almost 13 years and lives in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband and five beautiful children. She speaks Spanish and loves cooking and baking, but more than anything, enjoys opening her home to people from every walk of life. EPISODE GUIDE  1. Biblical hospitality is not a picture perfect home and an elaborate meal. Hospitality is about making time and space for people, whether there’s a meal, coffee, or simple conversation. Do not underestimate the power of presence. When we make space in our busy lives for others, it speaks volumes. You don’t have to have a Bible study every time, but invite Jesus into the space and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’