By Faith With Christine Hoover

Discouragement in Ministry (an interview with Kathy Litton)



The difficulties of life as a ministry wife can often leave us feeling discouraged, and sometimes, when our expectations for life and ministry go unmet, we may even find ourselves feeling deep disappointment with God. My guest today, Kathy Litton, understands this feeling and joins me to discuss how we can face discouragement in ministry. Kathy lives in Mobile, AL with husband Dr. Ed Litton, pastor of Redemption Church. She knows the sting of death and the journey of loss against the backdrop of a loving Savior who proved to be faithful and good. Kathy is the Director of Planter Spouse Development at the North American Mission Board, as well as a mother and grandmother. Listen as Kathy discusses ministry wives balancing the reality of disappointment and unmet expectations with a God who is faithful even in the darkest times. EPISODE GUIDE 1. You will face unmet expectations as a planting wife in ministry. The church plant site might not be what was expected, the community response lackluster, or the planting