Robot Monk Xian'er

What do you do when you meet a beggar1 路遇乞丐怎么做1



老师好,在大街上总是遇到乞丐,无法判断是真是假,不知该不该布施,请您指导。Venerable Master, I come across beggars inthe streets very often, but can’t tell if theyare fake or not. I wonder if I should give them alms. Would you please give meyour guidance?        请讲。 Goahead.昨天我看到一个中年妇女在红绿灯路口要钱,我给了她,但下一个路口还有一个在要钱,我迷茫了,不知道这是在积善还是在助长别人的恶业?Yesterday, I saw a middle-aged woman askingfor money at an intersection, and then I gave her some. But at the nextintersection, there was another one asking for money. I was at a loss, notknowing whether I was accumulating merits or encouraging others’ evil karma.         布施是为了破除我们自己的悭吝之心。Giving alms is to eliminate one’s ownstinginess.