Robot Monk Xian'er

How to deal with Procrastination3 对治拖延症3



还有时,我觉得自己不想做这件事的原因是觉得这件事情不合适。如何区别这是拖延症,还是这件事情确实不适合自己呢?At other times, I think the reason for myreluctance in doing things is the idea that I’m not suitable to do it. How to distinguish procrastinationfrom  unsuitability?    对自己所走的路失去了信心,心就会抗拒、徘徊,行为就会软弱无力,一切看似合理的理由都是在找借口而已。If you lose confidence in the path you havetaken, you heart will resist and wander, and your will be weak in action. Anyplausible reason is making an excuse.我们做一件事,最重要的不是兴趣,而是意义。越是有意义的事情,困难会越多,这就要靠我们的愿力与智慧去面对,愿力决定始终,智慧决定成败。The most importance of our doings lies notin our interest but their significance. The more meaningful they are, the moredifficulties there will be, which depends on our aspiration and wisdom to face.Aspiration runs through the process of actions, and wisdom determines theirsuccess.初发心往往会因为现实的阻碍而减弱,这是人之通病,所以我们很强调“勿忘初心”。Original aspiration tends to be weakened bythe obstacles in reality, which is a common issue for human beings. Therefore,we place great emphasis on “never forget the initial aspiration” .那