Robot Monk Xian'er

Nice Guys Are Prone to Be Bullied2-人善被人欺?2



我真诚待人,人不真诚待我,该如何?我以善意待人,人以恶意待我,又该如何?一味心善,被踩死是活该吗?I am sincere to others, what if others are not sincere to me? And Itreat others with kindness, what if others treat me with malice? Stubbornlysticking to kindness is doomed to being bullied?          善良绝不等于软弱可欺,恰恰相反,善良是一种力量,看见光明、战胜阴暗、唤醒美好的力量,当想放弃善良时,正说明自己内心的软弱无力。人生来就应该善良,失去了善良的心,即使得到了一时的成功,又有何快乐可言呢?更何况,善业必感善果,恶业必感恶果,不可急功近利,只看一时一事。Kindness is by no means equal to being weak and easily bullied, butinstead a kind of power to see the light, to conquer the dark and to awaken thegood. It’s just when you want to give up kindness that shows your innerweakness. Everybody should have been born to be kind. Without a kind heart, whowould have been happy even if achieving a temporary success? More importantly,good deeds lead to good results, and evil ones bad consequences. Never justlook at one thing at a time and seek quick success and instant gain for now.社会上的现实通常是人善被人欺马善被人骑,我即使有向善之心,但却屡屡因此吃亏挫败,当做何解?Usually, good people are apt to b