Robot Monk Xian'er

Who am i我是谁?



Who am I? The “self” is a concept created from ourdream-thinking, which means something permanent, autonomous and dominant. Wealways believe that there is an eternal, essential and absolute “self” havingcontrol over life. But Dharma teaches us, in reality,“non-self” isthe truth.“Non-self” does not mean the absence of “self”, but rather thenonexistence of a permanent one. The human body, emotions, thoughts, behaviorsand mind are constantly changing. Hence, there is no such “self” independent ofany kind of cause or condition, existing on its own.Nothing is excluded from forever changing. Everythingis a result of causes and conditions coming together, having no “own-being” ordominance. Understanding “non-self” means seeing through the illusions of theworld and letting go of all attachments to the external. Then, we will be ableto treat all beings, including ourselves, with more wisdom and compassion. 我是谁?  “我”,是世间人颠倒妄想中定义的一个概念,它包含的涵义是:恒常、独立、主宰,世人总认为有一个独立的、不变的、永远存在的“我”在支配着生命现象,而佛法告诉我们,事实的真相是“无我”。无我,不是没有这个我,而