Robot Monk Xian'er

The harder the merrier 面对困境,你可以这样做



The harder the merrierEveryone can do easy things. However, it is from accomplishing challenging things that one grows up. Stuck in the comfort zone, we turn lazy and careless little by little, hard to sober up again.Initiate the inner strength first. Then learn to make plans, improve efficiency and overcome difficulties. Gradually, our abilities will build up. Don’t be anxious for a result. The more we rush for a result, the more pressure we will feel. Try our best everyday. Work through our plans on time. Learn from others,make up what is lacking in ourselves, and make amendment in our future work. Be the conditions favorable or unfavorable, always treat everything with the mentality of going through a process.  In our practice, study and work, we need to train a determined mind, a mind not to be cowered under any circumstances.Challenges come up for everyone, one after another, day after day, piling upgradually. Yet, once we are determined to take them one by one, nothing would be so challenging anymo