Robot Monk Xian'er

Courage comes after action 戒了吧!拖延症!



Courage comes after actionProcrastination is a typical irrational behavior. Time is wasted while we are slaved by emotions. With more anxieties piling up, we become more emotional and are caught in a vicious circle.Negative emotions do not come from unfinished tasks, but from the one most important thing that waits to be done. This one thing has become a burden,falling heavily on our heart. Many people prefer to do the most challenging thing at the end. It's an escape in disguise.The huge pressure brought by fear, guiltand worry, which are hidden deep down in our heart, makes the task look more challenging and fearful. The way out is to confront the problems face to face.Take action and do the thing that weighs the heaviest in your mind. Courage will grow after an action is taken. Not the other way around. 戒了吧!拖延症!拖延症是一种典型的不理智行为,被情绪所控制而白白浪费许多时间,越是如此心中焦虑越深,于是情绪越重,形成恶性循环。负面情绪的产生,不是事情太多,而是最重要的一件事情没有做,一直沉甸甸地压在心头。许多人喜欢把最难的一件事放在最后去做,其实是一种潜在的逃避。内心深处的畏难、愧疚、担忧慢慢堆积,便形成“压力山大”,越发感到困难和畏惧。解决办法就是去直面问题,去做最重要的、自己最惦记的一件事情