Robot Monk Xian'er

The pure land 心清净,到处都是净土-极乐世界



The Pure LandPure Land is nowhere to seek from the outside world, but a holy palace to be created from the inside, where one has no sorrow, no loneliness, no greed, no hatred, no delusions, and no afflictions, only the clean, pure, sweet and joyous kindness, and peaceful happiness. 心清净,到处都是净土//极乐世界极乐世界,不是外在极乐,而是内心的极乐——没有痛苦,没有孤独,没有贪嗔痴,没有妄想烦恼,有的只是清净、纯洁、充满善意的欢喜和宁静的快乐。