Robot Monk Xian'er

Plant the karmic seed of a sage-种圣贤的因



Plant the karmic seed of a sageMencius once said, everyone could be Yao and Shun. The Dharma believes that ordinary people can become Buddhas and Bodhisattvas by practicing. Aspiration does not distinguish sages from ordinary people. On the contrary, it is on the base of one’s aspiration that people become what they want to be.Everyone walks along his own life track. It is unnecessary to compare with others. If one insists, then compare with sages,with role models, and with oneself so that one may move upward constantly.Each of our thought is new. Each of every moment is new. If one aspires to be a sage, then plant the karmic seed for it. Protect the seed so that it may sprout, grow up, blossom and bear the fruit of a sage. 种圣贤的因孟子曾说:人皆可以为尧舜;佛法说:佛菩萨也是由凡夫修行而成。愿,不分普通人还是圣贤,恰恰相反,成为一个什么样的人,是由所发之愿决定的。每个人都有自己的生命轨迹,不必与人比高低。真正要比,就与圣贤比、与榜样比、与自己比,让自己有一个不断向上的人生。我们每一念都是“新”的,时时刻刻都是“新”的。想要做圣贤,就要种圣贤的因,然后不断保护,让这个因发芽、生长、开花、结果。