Robot Monk Xian'er

A total mess -一片狼藉



A total messOthers’ troubles and errors are external conditions. The key lies in how we react internally. With a clear understanding of this point, we won’t be affected by others’ afflictions or fall for them.Equipped with right view and right mindfulness, we won’t be swayed by others’wrong views and agitations. On the other hand, if seeds of afflictions are nurtured in our own heart, other people’s actions would easily trigger their growth, resulting in our physical and mental malfunction. 一片狼藉他人有烦恼、过失是外缘,自己内心如何反应才是关键。明知是对方的无明烦恼,自己就不要去接纳领受了。自己有正知正念,他人的邪见烦恼就影响不到自己;反之,如果自己内心到处都是烦恼种子,他人的作为轻易就能引发,搞得自己身心一片狼藉。