Robot Monk Xian'er

All will be gone 一切终将逝去



All will be goneWhat is past is past. Yet, we cling to it as reality.Instead of letting go, we are more willing to take past to heart, and suffer. The right way is to see the past as empty. Everything in this world is impermanent and has the characteristic of emptiness. They are just like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows. In the end, external conditions arise and extinguish; what really matters is internal growth.   一切终将逝去过去的事情早已不存在了,只是我们内心还把它当做真实,所以想不开、放不下,百般痛苦。对过去要“空观”,把一切看空,当做梦幻泡影!外在的一切终将逝去,重要的是心灵的成长。