Robot Monk Xian'er

The other’s train thought



别人的思路 因为自己内心没有这样想过,“别人的思路”对你来说就是陌生的,是以前没考虑过的盲点,所以执行起来就会觉得很难、不知所措。 其实,这正是兼听则明的意义所在,你说对吗?不是一定要完全摒弃自己的想法,而是要有一种开阔、柔软、勇于尝试、能够接受变化的心态,这样才能在做事中更好地积累经验、培养能力。 固执的人与之相反,不肯改变,虽然也能按照自己的方式做下去,但就很难再提升了。 The other’s train thoughtBecause one has never thought in this waybefore, “the other’s train of thought” sounds strange to you. As a blind spot, hard toexecute upon, one may feel at a loss.  Actually, it is exact the value of “wisdom fromlistening to others”, don’t you think so?It doesn’t mean the total abandonment ofyour own way of thinking. It encourages an open and soft mindset that is ready for newthings and ready to accept changes. Only in this way, can you accumulateexperience and enhance your capability. On the contrary, stubborn people areunwilling to change. Although things can be done either way, it is hard forthem to improve.