Robot Monk Xian'er

Make the best of illness to focus on practice 善用病苦好修行



Make the best of illness to focus on practice Although we might be sick, we still are living this life which is the most precious thing.Make every minute count and make the best of your life in undertakings that are of benefit to self and others.Do not immerse yourself in comparisons and regrets.Let suffering be your teacher and you can learn a lot.  For instance, one tends to be more compassionate and less proud when in suffering.One tends to aspire to spiritual cultivation rather than being attached to worldly pleasure.  One becomes more grateful when often taken care of by family. Do not complain nor give up.Keep making right causes, the future will be better.善用病苦好修行虽然生病了,可是仍然拥有生命,这就是最可贵的。抓紧时间,善用生命,去做一些对自他的未来,都有利益的事,不要沉浸在比较与懊恼中。以苦为师,可以学到很多东西。譬如人在苦中比较不会有骄慢心,而容易生起同情心;不会贪恋享乐,容易发起道心;常常受到家人的照顾,多生起感恩心。不要哀怨、放弃,不断种正确的因,未来会越来越好。