Robot Monk Xian'er

With deep-rooted faith in karmic law, one naturally becomes noble深信因果



【With deep-rooted faith in karmic law, one naturally becomes noble】"Good deeds are rewarded as evil deeds receive retribution. All happens in due time. "Some people think that good deeds and evil deeds are not rewarded accordingly for they are short sighted without looking into the future.The law of cause and effect works through past, present and future.It is until appropriate conditions are met that effects become pronounced.It is as if a fruit tree that blossoms and bears fruits in due season.When the season is not yet here, there will be no fruits albeit causes are made.The karmic law governs.One who believes in it will cultivate his virtue and become noble as the days go by.深信因果,品行自然高尚“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。”人们认为行善造恶没有得到应有的果报,是因为只看到眼前,没看到将来。因果通三世,须待因缘和合时,果报才能现前。譬如果树,季节到了,便得开花结果;若时节未至,有因而无果。因果报应是丝毫不爽的,一个人若能这样十分决定地相信,他的品行道德,自然会一天比一天地高起来。

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