Robot Monk Xian'er

Confront others with truth and kindness 用真、善去面对他人



Confront others with truth and kindnessWhen we are worried and scared by various illusions, we can hardly pay attention to comprehend, appreciate and understand the others.This makes us become more isolated from others.The result is the increasing difficulties for communicating with the outside world.It forms a vicious spiral in this way.Therefore, we should always engender good thoughts with behaviors of appreciating, understanding, helping, encouraging and praising others, as well as learning advantages more from others.We should inspire the truth and kindness in others' minds with our own truth and kindness.We interact and closely relate to other people and the nature.Thus, we need to treat everything around us with a benevolent and grateful mind.We do not live in a fragmentation world. Taking care of the others is to consider their characters, habits, and their causes and conditions rather than the bare consideration of one ‘self’.‘Outside of the mind there is no Dharma’ does not equal to act according to