Robot Monk Xian'er

How to eliminate Afflictions 如何降伏烦恼



How to eliminate AfflictionsThe practice of endurance is to eliminate afflictions.The practice itself is not the goal.When there is no longer affliction, we are able to benefit self and others with the practice of compassion and kindness.Kindness does not equal to unconditional tolerance.There are many virtuous Dharma to learn and wisdom and blessings to cultivate.Afflictions from self and others are what we need to address.Eliminate afflictions from self before helping others. Buddhist practice of endurance is not to tolerate external humiliation and to indulge others’ mistakes, but to address inner affliction with tranquility and loving compassion.When there are no more afflictions, one is ready to handle situations and help others.ultimate enemy is not someone but the evil within.It takes loving compassion and wisdom to overcome the evil.Hatred and violence will not work. 如何降伏烦恼忍辱是为了降伏自己的烦恼,并不是最终目的。在内心不起烦恼的基础之上,我们才能真正用善去自利利他。做一个善良的人,不等于简单的忍让,还有许许多多善法要去学习,福德智慧要去培养。自他的烦恼,都是我们要调伏的对象,先自调伏,再帮助他人。佛法之忍,并非忍受外在的侮辱、