Robot Monk Xian'er

How to let the soul shine 如何让心灵真正光明



How to let the soul shineHappiness of childhood is not without condition, for children who are taken under parents’ wing face little hardships. The mind is relatively pure and simple.Once grown up, they have to face various pressures and unfavorable conditions in life. They come into contact with more negative information which causes more afflictions. The mind becomes increasingly burdened and polluted. Truth shines light on the soul; Faith is the destination for the soul; Peace and contentment are where the soul dwells.  如何让心灵真正光明 童年的快乐是有条件的,因为儿童在父母的羽翼之下,还没有面对太多艰苦的境界,而心智又比较单纯干净。成年以后,不得不面对种种生活的压力和不如意,接触到的负面信息越来越多,引发更多烦恼,令内心越来越染污与沉重。人的心灵需要真理的光明,需要信仰的归宿,需要净心和安心。