Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S08 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - 4 men from the Ansaar



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 8 4 men from the Ansaar, Al Khazraj collected the Quran during the lifetime of The Messenger ﷺ... Ubaay ibn Ka'ab Mu'aazh ibn Jabal Zayd ibn Thabit Abu Zayd - (raa) Qays ibn al-Sakan ibn Za'awra, Banu An-Najjar, an Aqabee & Badri. The collectors are those who hear obey and thus collect it as per Abu Dar'daa (ra) (Ahmad). 4 from the Al Aws Hanzala ibn Raahib - bathed by the angels. Sa'ad ibn Moaazh - The glorious Throne shook when he was martyred. Aasim ibn Thabit ibn Abil Aflah - protected by a swarm of wasps when the idolaters intended to mutilate his body. Kuzaymah ibn Thabit - was equal to the testimony of 2 people (raa). Rejoice in the Bounty of Allah SWT & in His Mercy (The Messenger ﷺ), Indeed this is better than what they hoard, Surah 10 v58.