Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Pivoting Yourself For Career and Business Success with Ola Jackson



Are you feeling stuck? Do you think you are too old to start over doing what you love? Tune in as Ola Jackson, Your Stylist Ways shares how to pivot yourself for career and business success. Ola Jackson is the founder and CEO of OWN: The Onyx Women’s Network, Media Targeting Women of Color which includes a business magazine, a leadership web site which profiles successful entrepreneurs, and a lifestyle blog called Your Stylish Ways, which infuses style and self-care for women over 40. Her focus is on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, career advancement, and wellness. She is also a speaker who shares with other entrepreneurs on how she survived 30 years in business and went from struggle to success while overcoming personal obstacles and professional barriers. She is now in the process of relaunching her YouTube channel called The NEW Network TV to provide content exclusively to midlife women. As a result of her successful ventures, she has been featured in a number of newspapers and magazines, and has