Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Being Selfish- Understanding The Importance Of Self Love with Naketa Thigpen



Can you remember the last time you paused? If you answered no tune in as returning guest Naketa Thigpen, author of Selfish.. Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way To Joy shares how we can put ourselves on the top of the list. Naketa Ren Thigpen, LCSW broke barriers and glass ceilings nearly ten years ago when she architected her professional skill set as a Psychotherapist, Trauma Specialist, Sexology and Relationship expert with strategically infused tenets of breakthrough success coaching to raise the bar and create ripples inside the personal development industry.   Now regarded as the #1 Balance & Relationship Advisor in the World, Naketa has become the go-to for fast-scaling married women entrepreneurs and power couples seeking to balance love and success without dimming or apologizing for their spirited ambition.   As creator of the breakthrough paradigm the Joy Map Method, International Best Selling Author of the book Selfish, Transformative Empowerment Speaker and CEO of ThigPro Balan