Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Done: Crossing Items Off Your To-Do List



Do you have a long to-do lists that seem to get longer? If yes then tune in as returning guest and author Renee Galloway shares how we can get things done. What started out as informal coaching and consulting over 20 years ago soon grew into something bigger than she anticipated. Pursuing and completing her higher education goals while working full-time, Galloway managed to remain faithful to her volunteer efforts and work in the ministry. While many people choose to prioritize their schedules according to what’s important, Dr. Renee Galloway knows firsthand that it’s even more vital that one is intentional about scheduling priorities. As a serial entrepreneur, author and coach, she not only works with entrepreneurs of all backgrounds to help them define their purpose and passion—she’s committed to staying in the birthing room with them until the point of dream fulfillment and delivery. Her proven success strategies of goal setting, time management and action plans have catapulted small and large business o