Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Jump Start Your Holiday Decorating with Ellen Frances



Are you ready to pull out the boxes and start decorating for the holidays? Are you in the mood to do something different? Tune in as Ellen Frances shares how to tap into that creativity and decorate your home to reflect your taste and style this holiday season. Ellen of Ellen Frances Designs has been in the design business for over 15 years. She began designing part-time working full time and officially launched her business full-time in 2019. Ellen described as an artist has always been a creative person at heart that adds pottery to are list of things she loved. She began developing her eye for design at an early age. There  was a running joke in her home that you should turn on the lights when you come in cause chances are Ellen has rearranged the furniture again. She built her own Barbie Dream House when she was 11, out of boxes & fabric scrapes from her mom’s sewing room. Ellen has designed homes and apartments in Philadelphia, it’s suburbs. Miami and California. She has successfully staged homes for s