Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Gearing Up Your Business and Getting It Organized



Are you still doing business as usual? If yes then it is time to gear up and  push the reset button. Tune in as Kyna Baker shares strategies to gear up your business and end the quarter ahead of the competition.  KYNA B. is a life, operations, and relationship building genius. Her ability to use intuition and intimacy to business, has her clients calling her the much need asset to taking their business to the next level. She has simplified complicated business operations, created structure where there was chaos, and taught her clients how to delegate with ease. Kyna has won the Business on the Rise, NAWBO Delaware Member of the Year, helped clients reach the 6 and 7-figure mark, and most importantly allowed the clients she is privileged to serve the ability to work on what they love to do! Want to get more details or work with Kyna B. go to her website ( If you need help getting organized to reinvent yourself click the following link to learn how I can help you Strategize and Organiz