Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Getting Organized To Boost Your Immune System



Do you realize it is time boost your immune system for better health? Tune in as Saleema Curtis, Health Coach shares how to get organized to boost your immune. Saleema’s personal journey included making all-inclusive healthier choices, i.e., how I treated my body, and healing emotional scars. Her belief that we all are blessed with a powerful non-exhausting innate presence, and knowing how to connect with that all powerful presence is major to living a fulfilled and joyous life. Its a beautiful journey of which I am deeply committed to and grateful for. Saleema’s credentials include a Bachelor of Science in Health Education from Temple University, a Masters’ in Public Health from Drexel University, a health coach certificate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and a certificate in stress reduction from the Jefferson-Myrna Brind, Center of Integrative Medicine. Publication: Co-author African American Grandmother’s Perceptions of Caregiver concerns Associated With Rearing adolescent Grandchildren. Arc