Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Getting Organized To Reset and Reinvent Your Professional Life



In March do you feel that your life was turned upside down. Are you thinking what you should do next? Join me as Michelle Larkin, Umi Connections shares how we can take this time to reset  and take back control of your personal and professional life. Michelle Larkin has over 15 years in business experience ranging from sales, to concert and event promotion, to marketing, and small business development. She has a Master’s in Business Administration, and is experienced in government contracting and program management. She is the founder and CEO of UMI Connections a firm dedicated to igniting creativity and inspiring collaboration in the workplace.  A transformational leader MIchelle has been instrumental in re-igniting morale, inspiring strong teams and coaching employees through the professional development process.  Ms. Larkin is a sought after mentor and business development consultant who has several mentees that have gone on to become successful in their own right.  She is the mother of three accomplished